A Family Affair
Bridging the Generation Gap with Scuba

The Living Planet and Sea Hunt were instrumental in giving the world a glimpse of the undersea world and of course we can't forget our favorite porpoise, Flipper.  Many "Baby Boomer" were glued to their TV sets while Jacque Cousteau explored the deep, Mike Nelson fought off underwater attackers and Flipper and the boys found a variety of ways to get in trouble.  All of these TV shows shaped the recreational use of Scuba Diving.

The various generations have been given names such as:

Generation Name                       Births Start    Births End
Silent Generation                       1925              1945
Baby Boomers                           1946              1964
Generation X                             1965              1976
Generation Y - The Millennial      1977              1995
Generation Z - The Centennials   1996

Today, the Baby Boomer generation continues to be a driving force in the recreational use of scuba; however, another group of people ranging in age from 10 and up will be the next wave donning tanks, masks and fins.  Those who have been reared in an era of video games and computers are seeking adventure and excitement, which Scuba Diving provides.

With divers ages ranging from those of retirement age to the very young, Scuba is a great way to cross the so called "generation gap" between children, young adults, parents, and grandparents.  There are very few sports in which Grandma and Grandpa can participate on the same or even a more skilled level than their grandkids.  In Scuba, everyone, can enjoy the same oceans, lakes and rivers.

Our family is a great example of how Scuba destroys that "generation gap".  When you look at our extended family and the generation each represents, you can truly see SCUBA bridges the "Generation Gap" as we go diving with our son's, daughters and grandkids.

Jill Bouska - Baby Boomer, and PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer and her immediate family:

Renee  -   Gen X ............. PADI Open Water Instructor
Cory     -  Gen Y ............. PADI Rescue Diver
Nicole  -   Gen Y ............. Will she follow in the family tradition?
Courtney- Gen Z ............ Will she follow in the family tradition?

Trina   -    Gen X ............ PADI Advanced Open Water
Jeff      -   Gen X ............ PADI Advanced Open Water
Ashley -   Gen Y.............. PADI Open Water
Trenton -  Gen Z .............PADI Open Water

Danny Bouska - Baby Boomer, and SSI, SDI and PADI Instructor and his immediate family:

Kyle     - Gen Y .............. PADI Advanced Open Water
Amber -  Gen Y .............. She says she wants to learn!
Acenith- Gen Z .............. Will she follow in the family tradition? Dad says "Yes!"
Kyson  - Gen Z .............. Will he follow in the family tradition?  Dad says "Yes!"
Ayden -  Gen Z .............. Will he follow in the family tradition?  Dad says "Yes!"

Kelsi    - Gen Y .............. PADI Open Water
Daniel -  Gen Y .............. He says he wants to learn!
Zen     -  Gen Z ............. If Papa Danny has anything to say...."Yes"
Brazos -  Gen Z ............. If Papa Danny has anything to say...."Yes"